Sample curriculum proposal for a Christian Education Committee

I've had a lot of people ask how to use my courses as a formal curriculum in a church.  Below is a sample proposal to a Christian Education Committee for setting up an adult Sunday School course using my classes as a curriculum.  Feel free to use it as you wish.

- Robert Jones


Proposal for a new adult Sunday School class at <name of church> 


Class Title:  “Christian History & Theology”

Instructor:  <name of instructor>

Class Focus:

The class will focus on topics concerning the history of the Christian Church, beginning with its Jewish roots, and continuing to today.  The development of Christian theology will be examined in several of the courses.

The courses and curriculum are from a Web-based series entitled "Christian History & Theology".  The courses are available in their entirety on  The course titles appear below (order not significant).  Individual courses typically last in the 3-4 month range.

The Jewish Roots:

The New Testament & the Early Church:

General Church History & Theology Topics:

Target audience:

This class will be open to all adults (including college age).  The experience of those that have taught these courses in the past is that the class makeup will be about two-thirds believers that want more information about their Christian roots, and one-third seekers – typically, more analytical folks that “want to get the facts” before they commit themselves to Christ.

Class format: Lecture/discussion

Start date: <start date>

Potential advertising blurb: 

"Interested in learning more about the roots of our Christian faith?  Ever wonder why different denominations have different beliefs and forms of governance?  A new adult Sunday School class named "Christian History & Theology" is starting on <date/time> at <name of church>..  The class will focus on topics concerning the history of the Christian Church, beginning with its Jewish roots, and continuing to today.  The development of Christian theology will be examined in several of the courses (see for the complete curriculum).  The first topic:  <name of first course>.  The class will be led by <name of instructor>.  All adults are welcome."

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